On this page

# Default


# Prop type

<x-button type="warning">Warning</x-button>

# Alternative way to set type

<x-button primary>Primary</x-button>
<x-button secondary>Secondary</x-button>
<x-button success>Success</x-button>
<x-button danger>Danger</x-button>
<x-button warning>Warning</x-button>
<x-button info>Info</x-button>
<x-button light>Light</x-button>
<x-button dark>Dark</x-button>
<x-button link>Link</x-button>

# Prop outline

<x-button outline>Primary outline</x-button>
<x-button success outline>Success outline</x-button>

# Prop size

<x-button size="sm">Small</x-button>
<x-button size="lg">Large</x-button>

# Alternative way to set size

<x-button sm>Small</x-button>
<x-button lg>Large</x-button>

# Props disabled

For make a button or link disabled, use the prop disabled , as shown below.

<x-button primary disabled>Disabled</x-button>
<x-button.link primary disabled>A disabled link</x-button.link>
A disabled link

# Custom class

You can set any custom class you want. In this case take into account that only btn class will be added, and not btn-primary like default. This is intentionally for allow to style the button as you wish.

<x-button class="bg-info text-white">Custom</x-button>

# Override class

<x-button override:class="btn bg-warning text-white">Override</x-button>

# Combine all

Find below an example with all props combined: a large disabled button with dark outline style and custom class btn-custom .

<x-button class="btn-custom" dark outline lg disabled>Dark outline large</x-button>

If you need a button as a link tag then use x-button.link tag name as shown below. Everything else works like for button tag explained above.

<x-button.link href="https://github.com/thewebartisan7/posthtml-components">As link tag</x-button.link>

# Additional attributes

You can pass any additional attributes like for example a target :

<x-button.link href="https://github.com/thewebartisan7/posthtml-components" target="_blank">Link with target blank</x-button.link>

# Close button

A generic close button for dismissing content like modals and alerts.

<!-- Default -->

<!-- With custom aria-label (default "Close") -->
<x-button.close label="Close label"></x-button.close>

<!-- Light -->
<x-button.close light></x-button.close>

# Button group

Group a series of buttons together on a single line or stack them in a vertical column.

<!-- Default -->

<!-- Size small via prop size (support also size="lg") -->
<x-button.group size="sm">

<!-- Size large via attribute lg (support also "sm") -->
<x-button.group lg>

<!-- Vertical + custom aria-label (default "Button group") -->
<x-button.group label="My button group" vertical>

<!-- Vertical + size -->
<x-button.group vertical lg>

# Bootstrap data-bs-* attributes

When you need to make a button works with a Bootstrap components such as Modal, Accordion, etc. then you need to use Bootstrap specific data-bs-* attributes. For example for open a Bootstrap Modal component you need to use data-bs-toggle="modal" and data-bs-target="#myModalId" . You can use pass this attributes directly to the button, or also use the props toggle , target and dismiss .

<x-button toggle="modal" target="#myModal">Launch modal</x-button>
<x-button dismiss="modal">Close modal</x-button>

There is no modal here to launch or close, but inspect the source to see the output. You can find modals demo here .